Hey y’all.
So my goal has been to provide a weekly blog post for those who have been interested in reading. It has been a few weeks since I have posted anything and some of my closest family and friends are starting to ask.
The main reason I started this blog was to encourage others to be authentic, especially in today’s culture where group think has become the norm. I realize that if I am encouraging others to be real, then I should also be striving to be real.
So I’m gonna be real.
About a year ago – in the midst of the SARS-CoV-2 drama and with absolutely nothing else more productive to do (this is sarcasm) – my husband and I decided to embark on the scary trail of politics.
After learning from strangers and even some friends and family that we are sexist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, or whatever –ism or phobia is popular that particular day, we became more and more curious about what was happening in our country. We felt inspired to search for truth after being subjected to the many lies of mainstream media and many insults by people on our social media.
We took a free fall into the political rabbit hole and let me tell you, it was more painful than we could have anticipated. We tried our best to study from both sides. We took a little peek at the Communist Manifesto. I read parts of both the DNC and RNC 2020 Platforms. We watched press briefings in full, Trump’s COVID briefings in full (keywords: IN FULL), then watched CNN take everything out of context in real time. We watched Tucker Carlson’s monologues, tried to hear Jesse out on The Five, oof. We suffered through Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. Watched the DNC in its entirety. We watched Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, interview after interview, political commentary after political commentary, debate after debate, read article after article. I mean, my goodness. I hit a point where I felt like my head was going to explode.
So yeah. We took it a little far, but whatever.
This search for truth really became a passion of mine. I could have never in a million years imagined that I would be interested in learning about Critical Race Theory, abortion, conservatism, government spending, or anything happening in Washington, D.C. for that matter. But it happened and I was torturing my husband with daily political rants and giving passionate speeches to my dad about the toxicity of modern day feminism. I call my mom daily, for what she usually expects to be a quick girly chat, but usually ends up an hour-long lecture about the ignorance of millennials who boldly proclaim themselves followers of Karl Marx.
Most of these calls ended with my mom telling me, “You sure do have a lot to say. Are you telling anyone else these things? I mean, you really have a lot to say.”
She was right and after some encouragement from friends and family, “Too Real” was born. I took a little leap and started the blog. But to be completely honest, since starting I have been holding back. I’m only two posts in and I already hit a wall a couple weeks ago.
So, let’s get real.
I am tired. Tired of arguing with people I don’t know, but even more tired of arguing with my own friends and family. Between all of the content I’ve watched, read and listened to, and, of course, my personal life experiences that have shaped my beliefs, it can sometimes feel like an impossible feat to sufficiently explain my stance to others.
I am disheartened. Disheartened at the fact that some can’t seem to grasp the basic fundamentals of conservatism and would rather assume ill intent or ignorance as my only motivation for believing what I believe. I feel discouraged thinking that maybe I haven’t done enough research and I won’t be able to answer every question.
And I am frustrated. Frustrated at the idea that this could potentially ruin many of my professional relationships. Frustrated with myself for putting my friendships and work relationships ahead of speaking truth. Really disappointed in myself for allowing fear of mankind to paralyze me.
This is not meant to be a “woe is me” post, but rather a confession, a rebirth, and hopefully an encouragement to others.
There is no such thing as “my truth” or “your truth.” There is ONE TRUTH and that is what I am after.
I cannot stress enough that my goal here is not to be an “influencer.” I don’t want anyone to be like me, but I want to encourage authenticity and boldness. True authenticity for me means refusing to self-censor just to feel safe and liked. I am not on this earth to be liked and I recognize by not boldly speaking the truth, I am doing a disservice. There is no such thing as “my truth” or “your truth.” There is ONE TRUTH and that is what I am after. Not the truth that serves me. Not the truth that feels good. Not the truth that will gain me more friends. But THE TRUTH.
The truth about CRT.
The truth about gender roles and identity.
The truth about the devastating effects of abortion.
The truth about the dangers of relying on government to provide for you.
The truth about MSM and how they manipulate your emotions.
The truth about modern day feminism and how it is ruining society.
The truth about the freedom of personal responsibility.
The truth about the importance of marriage and family.
The truth about how disgusting it is to even entertain the idea of letting an elementary aged child take puberty blockers.
I want the truth. But we are being fed lies every single day. If you look at the core of each lie, you see they are set out to steal, kill, and destroy your hope, your peace, your joy, your sanity, your strength, and ultimately, YOU.
My real hang-up in continuing this blog is that I am a control freak and a perfectionist who wants to have all of the answers and wants to change all of the hearts. But in my daily prayer and Bible study I am reminded that this is all much, much bigger than ME and I can no longer carry a burden that is not mine to bear. It is not my responsibility to convince people who are committed to misunderstanding me. I don’t have to have all of the answers and I should not allow fear of mankind to keep me from speaking the truth. The same goes for anyone else reading this who may be afraid to stand up for the truth.
Keep moving forward. Speak truth. Be authentic. Know when it’s time to shake the dust off of your feet.
I have persisted through insane amounts of rejection, a deep fear of abandonment, depression, suicidal thoughts, and paralyzing anxiety. I have never been one to give up, and I definitely won’t start now. I am ready to face my fears head on.
Thomas Sowell said in an interview that he has never asked his peers for their approval. And when asked, “Why not?” He responded…
“I don’t care.”
And this is the energy I am here for! Let's gooooo!
So on that note…whether you’ve been here before or not, allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is Rachel and this is my unashamed, unafraid blog, Too Real.
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Find me on Insta @toorealblog and Twitter @THE_RachelDaNel